Ne doit pas être confondu avec Nintendo 3DS. Do not stop service for flipnote hatena for the nintendo dsi and dsi XL WikiZero Özgür Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumanın En Kolay Yolu. Last edited by 47iscool 16th-July-2013 at 18:10.La Nintendo DSi (Le i se prononce « Aïe », en anglais eye (/aɪ/), qui signifie « œil », référence aux caméras et aussi à « Je » en anglais) est une console de jeu Nintendo succédant à la Nintendo DS Lite, sortie le 1 er novembre 2008 au Japon, en Australie le 2 avril 2009, en Europe le 3 avril 2009 et en Amérique du Nord le 5 avril 2009. Sure glad I got my Wii back in 2010 before the GC memcards/controller slots were removed, mine is not capable of running DVD-R, but at least DM & Devo exist since Nintendo removed the debug commands from the drive. Speaking of GBA on NDS/NDSL, I'm guessing Nintendo had a the GBA's processor in the NDS/NDSL, like how they do with most of their consoles/handhelds, keeping the hardware. When the Ace 3DS boots up it looks a lot like mine, so they were right when they said it was basically a modified version of the R4 OS. The Ace 3DS is also the cheapest card you can buy, I'm pretty sure it's Japanese because their site has two languages Japanese & English. I also knew that the Ace 3DS wasn't affiliated with AceKard since they haven't released another card to work on 1.4.5 DSi. I know from past experience that the DS Lite battery life is longer than the DSi as well.

The good news about DS compatibility is since no more will be released my card won't need any updating, I guess that's one reason Nintendo made the DSi updateable so they can block out flashcarts. I had to download two different zip files with the firmware, at first the DLDI didn't work until I downloaded an "AOS" package. Another problem with it is the micro SD slot is VERY tight, a little hard to remove it out of it's slot.

So far CO Modern Warfare won't boot on his, it works fine on mine though.

Well he got the ACE 3DS plus, it's more sturdy than my card but not as good on compatibility.